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The FIO Protocol: A Beginners Guide

The FIO Protocol: A Beginner's Guide

Discover the FIO Protocol and FIO Handles. Compare them with ENS domains and other human-readable domain protocols in the Web3 ecosystem.

As the Web3 ecosystem evolves, more user-friendly interfaces and enhanced security measures are needed. One of the significant advancements in this space is the development of human-readable domain name protocols. These protocols aim to simplify blockchain transactions by replacing complex and lengthy wallet addresses with easily recognizable names.

In this beginner’s guide, we explore the FIO Protocol and FIO Handles, exploring their features, benefits, and how they enhance the Web3 experience. Additionally, we’ll compare the FIO Protocol to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains, another prominent human-readable domain system, and examine other notable protocols in the Web3 landscape.

What is The FIO Protocol?

The FIO Protocol (Foundation for Interwallet Operability) is a decentralized service layer designed to enhance the usability and functionality of blockchain networks. FIO Protocol simplifies the process of sending and receiving cryptocurrency, making it more user-friendly and accessible for both novice and experienced users.

With the FIO Protocol, you can replace all of your public wallet addresses with a single, secure, customizable handle. FIO makes any transaction, on any chain, as easy as sending an email.

Before You Get Started

Before you explore the FIO Protocol in more detail, remember that you can manage the FIO token using Trust Wallet.

You can download Trust Wallet as a mobile app, or you can install the Trust Wallet Extension for your desktop browser.

What are FIO Handles?

FIO Handles are a key feature of the FIO Protocol, designed to simplify cryptocurrency transactions. FIO Handles replace cumbersome wallet addresses with human-readable identifiers. A FIO Handle typically takes the form of a username@domain (e.g. cath@fio), making it easy to remember and share. These handles can be used across different blockchain networks and are not tied to a single type of cryptocurrency, providing a versatile and user-friendly solution for managing multiple assets.

Here's how FIO Handles revolutionize crypto interactions:

  • Custom wallet addresses: Say goodbye to the days of: highlight, copy and paste of long, confusing wallet addresses. FIO Handles replace them with user-defined names, making sending and receiving crypto as simple as sending an email.

  • Reduced error risk: Typos and mistakes become a thing of the past. FIO Handles eliminate the risk of accidentally sending crypto to the wrong address, a major concern for many users.

  • Branding & personalization: FIO Handles offer you the chance to personalize your crypto experience. You get to choose your own handle. This adds a touch of personality and allows for potential branding opportunities.

The FIO Token

The FIO Token is the native cryptocurrency of the FIO Protocol, serving as the primary medium of exchange and incentive mechanism within the ecosystem. It is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain, providing utility and governance functions within the FIO Protocol's decentralized network.

The FIO Token has multiple use cases within the FIO Protocol ecosystem, including:

  • Transaction fees: Users pay FIO Tokens as fees for registering FIO addresses and executing transactions on the network.

  • Block producer rewards: FIO Token holders who participate in block production and validation are rewarded with tokens for their contributions to the network's security and stability.

  • Protocol governance: FIO Token holders have voting rights to participate in protocol governance decisions, such as protocol upgrades, parameter adjustments, and the allocation of community funds.

  • Staking and collateral: FIO Tokens can be staked as collateral to support the network's security and reliability, as well as to participate in various governance processes.

FIO Handles vs ENS Domains

Both FIO Handles and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) domains address the challenge of cryptic crypto addresses by offering human-readable alternatives. Let's break down how they compare:


FIO Handles:

  • Human-readable handles: FIO Handles (e.g. cath@fio) are designed to be simple and memorable, making it easy for users to share and manage their addresses across different blockchains.

  • Cross-platform support: FIO Handles can be used with multiple cryptocurrencies and wallets, providing a versatile solution for managing various digital assets.

ENS Domains:

  • Simple naming system: ENS domains (e.g. cath.eth) offer a straightforward naming convention that replaces Ethereum addresses with easy-to-remember names.

  • Integration with Ethereum: ENS is specifically designed for the Ethereum network, allowing seamless integration with Ethereum-based applications and services.

  • Browser compatibility: ENS domains can be used as decentralized website addresses, providing additional functionality beyond cryptocurrency transactions.


FIO Handles:

  • Enhanced security measures: FIO Handles reduce the risk of errors and phishing attacks by enabling users to verify simple Handles instead of complex addresses.

  • Metadata and confirmations: The ability to attach metadata and use confirmation workflows further enhances transaction security, ensuring both parties agree on the details before proceeding.

ENS Domains:

  • Decentralization: ENS is built on the Ethereum blockchain, inheriting its robust security features and decentralization.

  • Trustworthy resolution: ENS domains use smart contracts to securely map human-readable names to Ethereum addresses, reducing the likelihood of misdirected transactions.


FIO Handles:

  • Multi-blockchain support: FIO Handles work across various blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies, providing a unified solution for managing digital assets.

  • Wallet integration: FIO Protocol is supported by numerous wallet providers, including Trust Wallet, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

ENS Domains:

  • Ethereum-centric: ENS domains are primarily focused on the Ethereum ecosystem, which may limit their utility for users who hold assets on multiple blockchains.

  • Growing ecosystem: Despite its Ethereum focus, ENS is increasingly being integrated into other blockchain projects and decentralized applications (dApps).

FIO Protocol vs Other Human Readable Domain Protocols in Web3

The FIO Protocol isn't the only player in the Web3 ecosystem. Solutions like xDNS (decentralized Name Service) and Namecoin also offer human-readable alternatives to complex blockchain addresses. FIO Handles, however, stand out in a few key ways:

  • Blockchain agnostic: FIO Handles work seamlessly across various blockchains. This future-proofs your handle and eliminates the need for separate names on different platforms.

  • Focus on functionality: While other solutions primarily offer naming functionality, FIO Handles go a step further. They integrate with the FIO Protocol to facilitate additional features, including token requests, permission management, and even encryption for increased security.

  • Unified experience: FIO Handles act as a central hub for your crypto activities. A single handle can connect to all your blockchain addresses, offering a unified user experience regardless of the underlying platform.

These unique features position FIO Handles as a comprehensive solution for managing your crypto identity and streamlining interactions within the ever-evolving Web3 ecosystem.

How to Deposit FIO to Your Trust Wallet Address

You can deposit FIO from another crypto wallet address or from a centralized exchange. Here’s how:

  • Select “Receive” from the home screen.

  • Search for “FIO” and select it.

From here you have two options. You can either:

  1. Copy your deposit address and use that on your exchange account or other crypto wallet to send funds to.

  2. Use the “Deposit from exchange” option to deposit crypto seamlessly from your exchange account.

Remember that in addition to FIO, Trust Wallet lets you manage and interact with 10M+ crypto assets across 100+ blockchains. Download the latest version of Trust Wallet today.